The expression A(a1) is usual one-value literal. It is a Boolean attribute that is true for an object o if and only if the value of attribute A for object o is a1. The expression B(b1) and B(b1, b2, b3). Here A is an attribute and a1 is one of its possible values. Analogously b1, b2, b3 are some of possible values of attribute B.

The expression A(a1) is usual one-value literal. It is a Boolean attribute that is true for an object o if and only if the value of attribute A for object o is a1. The expression B(b1, b2, b3) is a complex literal. It is a Boolean attribute that is true for the object o if and only if the value of attribute B for object o is b1 or b2 or b3.

There is a demonstration of the main features of the procedure 4ft-Miner.