SD4ft-Miner Demonstration


SD4ft-Miner Demonstration

On this page you will find usefull information, how to use SD4ft-Miner module. This module is one of several modules of the LISp-Miner tool for knowledge discovery in databases.

The SD4ft-Miner module (SD4ftTask.exe file) is similar to 4ft-Miner, because it searches for association rules and offers many quantifiers such as Founded implication, Double founded implication etc. The difference is that SD4ft-Miner counts values of the quantifiers for two different sets and than compares these two results. This part will show how to:

In this demonstration we assume we have created ODBC datasource “LMexample” as we have created it in how to start and we have preprepared attributes with the help of LMDataSource.

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