◤Demonstration – Barbora◢
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Demonstration concerns fiction bank Barbora that was a part of Discovery challenge of the conference PKDD99 held in Prague in September 1999. Demonstration is based on analysis of loans of clients of the fiction bank Barbora. There is a database relation Loans describing details of particular loans. The goal of the analysis is to find interesting segments of clients and types of loans.
Database relation Loans desribes particular loans of clients of the fictive bank Barbora. We work with this relation in the form a table of MS ACCESS. Each row of the table corresponds to a loan. Each field (column) of the table corresponds to a property of the loans:
There are 6 181 rows in the table. The first row in the above picture concerns the loan with id 4 959. This loan was made by a client with birth_number 450204. His salary is 12 541 Czech crowns (CZK) per month and he lives in district Praha (i.e. Prague). He borroved 80 952 CZK. He pays 3 373 CZK per month and he will pay 24 months. The status of his loan is "A".
The birth_number is a part of personal id. If birth_number concerns a man than birth_number is of the form RRMMDD where RRMMDD is a birth day of the client. If birth_number concerns a woman than birth_number is of the form RRMM+50DD where RRMMDD is a birth day of the client.
E.g. the the loan with id 4959 concerns a man born at the February 4 in 1945. The loan with id 4961 concerns a woman born at April 23 in 1939. Thus birth_number can be used to compute the age and the sex of the client.
There are four possible values of status:
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