LISp-Miner Control Language Reference, version: 27.18.15 of 2 Mar 2022

Class FTWholeCedentSetting

Set of parameters describing all possible FT cedents (derived boolean attributes) that should be generated and veryfied in the analyzed data. Each FT-cedent consists of conjunctions of FT-partial cedents.
inherits from LMWrap
namespace: lm.tasks.settings


No constructor available. Objects of this class could not be instantiated from Lua scripts.

Properties List

ID  Unique identifier (primary key) of the object
MaxLen  Maximal length of the whole cedent
MinLen  Minimal length of the whole cedent
Task  the Task, this cedent belongs to

Methods List

canDel () Returns true if the object could be deleted (is not used)
findFTPartialCedentSetting () Tries to look-up a FTPartialCedentSetting with a unique property given as parameter. Just one parameter has to be specified. Returns nil if FTPartialCedentSetting with this property doesn't exists.
getCedentTypeCode () Returns code of type of cedent, see CedentType codes
getCedentTypeKey () Returns unique string key of type of cedent
getCedentTypeName () Returns string representation of type of cedent
getFTPartialCedentSettingCount () Returns number of partial cedents in this cedent
getID () Returns unique identifier (primary key) of the object
getMaxLen () Returns the value of MaxLen property
getMaxLenReal () Returns the real maximal length (after considering maximal lengths of all its partial cedents)
getMinLen () Returns the value of MinLen property
getMinLenReal () Returns the real minimal length (after considering minimal lengths of all its partial cedents)
getTask () Returns the Task this whole cedent setting belongs to, the value of Task property
onAdd () Store the newly created object into metabase
onDel () Delete the object from metabase (fails if canDel returns false)
onUpdate () Save changes made to the object into metabase
prepareFTPartialCedentSettingArray () Returns array of FTPartialCedentSettings (partial cedents setting in this whole cedent setting)
setMaxLen () Sets the value of MaxLen property
setMinLen () Sets the value of MinLen property


ID  (read-only) : integer
Unique identifier (primary key) of the object
Intherited from: LMWrap
MaxLen : integer
Maximal length of the whole cedent
MinLen : integer
Minimal length of the whole cedent
Task  (read-only) : Task
the Task, this cedent belongs to


canDel() : boolean
Returns true if the object could be deleted (is not used)
Intherited from: LMWrap


  • boolean
findFTPartialCedentSetting() : FTPartialCedentSetting
Tries to look-up a FTPartialCedentSetting with a unique property given as parameter. Just one parameter has to be specified. Returns nil if FTPartialCedentSetting with this property doesn't exists.


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Obligatory named parameters

  • nID : integer - an ID of the FTPartialCedentSetting to look-up


getCedentTypeCode() : integer
Returns code of type of cedent, see CedentType codes


  • integer
getCedentTypeKey() : string
Returns unique string key of type of cedent


  • string
getCedentTypeName() : string
Returns string representation of type of cedent


  • string
getFTPartialCedentSettingCount() : integer
Returns number of partial cedents in this cedent


  • integer
getID() : integer
Returns unique identifier (primary key) of the object
Intherited from: LMWrap


  • integer
getMaxLen() : integer
Returns the value of MaxLen property


  • integer
getMaxLenReal() : integer
Returns the real maximal length (after considering maximal lengths of all its partial cedents)


  • integer
getMinLen() : integer
Returns the value of MinLen property


  • integer
getMinLenReal() : integer
Returns the real minimal length (after considering minimal lengths of all its partial cedents)


  • integer
getTask() : Task
Returns the Task this whole cedent setting belongs to, the value of Task property


Store the newly created object into metabase
Intherited from: LMWrap
Delete the object from metabase (fails if canDel returns false)
Intherited from: LMWrap
Save changes made to the object into metabase
Intherited from: LMWrap
prepareFTPartialCedentSettingArray() : luaTable
Returns array of FTPartialCedentSettings (partial cedents setting in this whole cedent setting)


  • luaTable
setMaxLen( integer )
Sets the value of MaxLen property


  • integer
setMinLen( integer )
Sets the value of MinLen property


  • integer