LISp-Miner Control Language Reference, version: 27.18.15 of 2 Mar 2022

Class LMWrapName

An abstract class for wrapped LM objects with Name and Note
inherits from LMWrap
namespace: lm


No constructor available. Objects of this class could not be instantiated from Lua scripts.

Properties List

ID  Unique identifier (primary key) of the object
Name  Unique name of this object. Cannot be empty.
Note  Text comment to this object (up to 255 characters)

Methods List

canDel () Returns true if the object could be deleted (is not used)
getID () Returns unique identifier (primary key) of the object
getName () Returns the value of Name property, name of this object
getNote () Returns the value of Note property
onAdd () Store the newly created object into metabase
onDel () Delete the object from metabase (fails if canDel returns false)
onUpdate () Save changes made to the object into metabase
setName () Sets the value of Name property, name of this object (must be unique)
setNote () Sets the value of Note property


ID  (read-only) : integer
Unique identifier (primary key) of the object
Intherited from: LMWrap
Name : string
Unique name of this object. Cannot be empty.
Note : string
Text comment to this object (up to 255 characters)


canDel() : boolean
Returns true if the object could be deleted (is not used)
Intherited from: LMWrap


  • boolean
getID() : integer
Returns unique identifier (primary key) of the object
Intherited from: LMWrap


  • integer
getName() : string
Returns the value of Name property, name of this object


  • string
getNote() : string
Returns the value of Note property


  • string
Store the newly created object into metabase
Intherited from: LMWrap
Delete the object from metabase (fails if canDel returns false)
Intherited from: LMWrap
Save changes made to the object into metabase
Intherited from: LMWrap
setName( string )
Sets the value of Name property, name of this object (must be unique)


  • string - cannot be empty
setNote( string )
Sets the value of Note property


  • string