LISp-Miner Control Language Reference, version: 27.18.15 of 2 Mar 2022


Analyzed data database related functions

Classes List

No class defined.

Properties List

No preperties defined.

Functions List

createEmptyDataMDB () Creates an empty MDB file for data to be imported later. Not supported in 64-bit version.
getDSN () Returns ODBC DataSourceName of the currently opened analyzed data database
importTXT () Imports a text file into database



Creates an empty MDB file for data to be imported later. Not supported in 64-bit version.


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Obligatory named parameters

  • pathNameData : string - path to database MDB file to be created

Optional named parameters

  • bOverwrite : boolean - if to overwrite an already existing file
getDSN() : string
Returns ODBC DataSourceName of the currently opened analyzed data database


  • string
Imports a text file into database


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Obligatory named parameters

  • pathNameSrc : string - path to source file

Optional named parameters

  • pathNameDest : string - destination Data file path
  • tableName : string - name of the table to be created
  • bTitleLine : boolean - if the first line contains names of columns
  • bAddIDColumn : boolean - if the primary key column ID_LM should be created and filled with unique numbers
  • bDateMonthFirst : boolean - if the DBMS requires to store date values in the US format (MM-DD-YYYY)
  • cColumnSeparator : char - column delimiter character
  • cThousandsSeparator : char - thousands separator character
  • nSampleLines : integer - number of lines to read to estimate column data types
  • nRowLimitCount : integer - limit for number of imported rows
  • bRowLimitRandom : boolean - if the rows are selected randomly from the whole file (otherwise the first nRowLimitCount rows are imported)
  • pathNameSrcMetadata : string - path to meta-data description file (first line= alternative columns names, second line= forced data types, third line= disabled columns (any of 'no', 'disabled', 'skip' will cause a column to be ommited from import)