LISp-Miner Control Language Reference, version: 27.18.15 of 2 Mar 2022

Class CategoryEnumeration

Attribute category defined by enumeration of values
inherits from Category
namespace: lm.prepro


Creates a new object of this class


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Obligatory named parameters

  • name : string - unique name for the new CF-Miner Category
  • pAttribute : Attribute - attribute this category belongs to

Optional named parameters

  • nOrder : integer - position of this category in the list of categories of its attribute

Properties List

Attribute  the Attribute, this category belongs to
Frequency  Number of objects of analyzed data matrix belonging to this category (calls calcCategoryFrequencies if necessary)
ID  Unique identifier (primary key) of the object
IncludeNullFlag  If this category covers NULL-values
IncludeNULLFlag  If this category covers NULL-values
Name  Unique name of this object. Cannot be empty.
NameHTML  HTML representation of this category
Note  Text comment to this object (up to 255 characters)
Order  Order-index of the category in array of categories of its attribute
XCategoryFlag  If this category is the X-Category

Methods List

canDel () Returns true if the object could be deleted (is not used)
excludeValue () Removes an value from enumeration of values this category represents
getAttribute () Returns the Attribute this category belongs to, the value of Attribute property
getCategorySubTypeCode () Returns code of sub-type of category, see CategorySubType codes
getCategorySubTypeKey () Returns unique string key of sub-type of category
getCategorySubTypeName () Returns string representation of sub-type of category
getFrequency () Returns the value of Frequency property (calls calcCategoryFrequencies if necessary)
getID () Returns unique identifier (primary key) of the object
getName () Returns the value of Name property, name of this object
getNameDefault () Returns default name for this category
getNote () Returns the value of Note property
getOrder () Returns the value of Order property
getRowCount () Returns the value of Frequency property (calls calcCategoryFrequencies if necessary)
includeValue () Adds an value to enumeration of values this category represents
isIncludeNullFlag () Returns the value of IncludeNullFlag property
isIncludeNULLFlag () Returns the value of IncludeNullFlag property
isRowInCategory () Returns true if the value in database row identified by its index and the corresponding column belongs to this category (calls calcCategoryFrequencies if necessary)
isXCategoryFlag () Returns the value of XCategoryFlag property
onAdd () Store the newly created object into metabase
onDel () Delete the object from metabase (fails if canDel returns false)
onUpdate () Save changes made to the object into metabase
prepareValueArray () array of values this category represents
setIncludeNULLFlag () Sets the value of IncludeNullFlag property
setIncludeNullFlag () Sets the value of IncludeNullFlag property
setName () Sets the value of Name property, name of this object (must be unique)
setNote () Sets the value of Note property
setOrder () Sets the value of Order property
setXCategoryFlag () Sets the value of XCategoryFlag property


Attribute  (read-only) : Attribute
the Attribute, this category belongs to
Intherited from: Category
Frequency  (read-only) : integer
Number of objects of analyzed data matrix belonging to this category (calls calcCategoryFrequencies if necessary)
Intherited from: Category
ID  (read-only) : integer
Unique identifier (primary key) of the object
Intherited from: LMWrap
IncludeNullFlag : boolean
If this category covers NULL-values
Intherited from: Category
IncludeNULLFlag : boolean
If this category covers NULL-values
Intherited from: Category
Name : string
Unique name of this object. Cannot be empty.
Intherited from: LMWrapName
NameHTML  (read-only) : string
HTML representation of this category
Intherited from: Category
Note : string
Text comment to this object (up to 255 characters)
Intherited from: LMWrapName
Order  (read-only) : integer
Order-index of the category in array of categories of its attribute
Intherited from: Category
XCategoryFlag : boolean
If this category is the X-Category
Intherited from: Category


canDel() : boolean
Returns true if the object could be deleted (is not used)
Intherited from: LMWrap


  • boolean
Removes an value from enumeration of values this category represents
getAttribute() : Attribute
Returns the Attribute this category belongs to, the value of Attribute property
Intherited from: Category


getCategorySubTypeCode() : integer
Returns code of sub-type of category, see CategorySubType codes
Intherited from: Category


  • integer
getCategorySubTypeKey() : string
Returns unique string key of sub-type of category
Intherited from: Category


  • string
getCategorySubTypeName() : string
Returns string representation of sub-type of category
Intherited from: Category


  • string
getFrequency() : integer
Returns the value of Frequency property (calls calcCategoryFrequencies if necessary)
Intherited from: Category


  • integer
getID() : integer
Returns unique identifier (primary key) of the object
Intherited from: LMWrap


  • integer
getName() : string
Returns the value of Name property, name of this object
Intherited from: LMWrapName


  • string
getNameDefault() : string
Returns default name for this category
Intherited from: Category


  • string
getNote() : string
Returns the value of Note property
Intherited from: LMWrapName


  • string
getOrder() : integer
Returns the value of Order property
Intherited from: Category


  • integer
getRowCount() : integer
Returns the value of Frequency property (calls calcCategoryFrequencies if necessary)
Intherited from: Category


  • integer
Adds an value to enumeration of values this category represents


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Obligatory named parameters

  • value : same type as its attribute - a value to insert into enumeration. Cannot be 'nil'.
isIncludeNullFlag() : boolean
Returns the value of IncludeNullFlag property
Intherited from: Category


  • boolean
isIncludeNULLFlag() : boolean
Returns the value of IncludeNullFlag property
Intherited from: Category


  • boolean
Returns true if the value in database row identified by its index and the corresponding column belongs to this category (calls calcCategoryFrequencies if necessary)
Intherited from: Category


  • integer - index of a database table row


  • boolean
isXCategoryFlag() : boolean
Returns the value of XCategoryFlag property
Intherited from: Category


  • boolean
Store the newly created object into metabase
Intherited from: LMWrap
Delete the object from metabase (fails if canDel returns false)
Intherited from: LMWrap
Save changes made to the object into metabase
Intherited from: LMWrap
array of values this category represents


  • valueArray : array of values - enumeration of values this category represents
setIncludeNULLFlag( boolean )
Sets the value of IncludeNullFlag property
Intherited from: Category


  • boolean
setIncludeNullFlag( boolean )
Sets the value of IncludeNullFlag property
Intherited from: Category


  • boolean
setName( string )
Sets the value of Name property, name of this object (must be unique)
Intherited from: LMWrapName


  • string - cannot be empty
setNote( string )
Sets the value of Note property
Intherited from: LMWrapName


  • string
setOrder( integer )
Sets the value of Order property
Intherited from: Category


  • integer
setXCategoryFlag( boolean )
Sets the value of XCategoryFlag property
Intherited from: Category


  • boolean