LISp-Miner Control Language Reference, version: 27.18.15 of 2 Mar 2022

Namespace lm.tasks

Analytical tasks related classes and functions

Classes List

Task  LISp-Miner data-mining analytical task of an unspecified type
TaskAF  Ac4ft-Miner data-mining task
TaskCF  CF-Miner data-mining task
TaskDF  SD4ft-Miner data-mining task
TaskET  ETree-Miner data-mining task
TaskFT  4ft-Miner data-mining task
TaskGroup  Group of data-mining tasks
TaskKL  KL-Miner data-mining task
TaskMC  MCluster-Miner data-mining task

Properties List

No preperties defined.

Functions List

findTask () Tries to look-up a Task with a unique property given as parameter. Just one parameter has to be specified. Returns nil if Task with this property doesn't exists.
findTaskGroup () Tries to look-up a TaskGroup with a unique property given as parameter. Just one parameter has to be specified. Returns nil if TaskGroup with this property doesn't exists.
getPoolerShutdownDelay () Returns Time delay for xxPooler applications to stay open, see setPoolerShutdownDelay
isPoolerShowProgressFlag () Returns TRUE if the xxPooler applications are opening a dialog window upon launch
prepareTaskArray () Returns array of tasks in this metabase. Returns objects of descendant classes (eg. TaskFT). An optional parameter could be specified to filter only tasks of a given type, see TaskSubType codes
prepareTaskGroupArray () Returns array of TaskGroups in this metabase
queryTaskGenerationStatusAll () Re-reads tasks states from metabase and returns number of tasks for which theirs state has changed from isTaskGenerationStatusInProcess to isTaskGenerationStatusFinished
runAllAndWaitForResults () Starts all tasks (with not isTaskGenerationStatusInProcess) in this metabase and waits till all of them have finished
runAllAsync () Starts all tasks (with not isTaskGenerationStatusInProcess) in this metabase in parallel threads and returns immediately
setPoolerShowProgresFlag () Sets TRUE if the xxPooler applications should open a dialog window with the task queue and the processing progress information
setPoolerShutdownDelay () Time delay for xxPooler applications to stay open, even if its task queue is empty. Prevents frequent closes of the application when another task will be probably inserted into queue in a short time.
shutdownGridPoolerOnIdle () Forces GridPooler to shutdown immediately if no task is processed
shutdownPoolerOnIdle () Forces all running xxPoolers to shutdown immediately if no task is processed
shutdownProcPoolerOnIdle () Forces ProcPooler to shutdown immediately if no task is processed
shutdownSamePoolerOnIdle () Forces SamePooler to shutdown immediately if no task is processed
shutdownTaskPoolerOnIdle () Forces TaskPooler to shutdown immediately if no task is processed
waitForResultsAll () Waits till all tasks with isTaskGenerationStatusInProcess have finished



findTask() : Task
Tries to look-up a Task with a unique property given as parameter. Just one parameter has to be specified. Returns nil if Task with this property doesn't exists.


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Optional named parameters

  • nID : integer - an ID of the task to look-up
  • pDataTable : DataTable - database table this task should be based upon. Should be specified if there are two or more database tables
  • name : string - a name of the task to look-up


findTaskGroup() : TaskGroup
Tries to look-up a TaskGroup with a unique property given as parameter. Just one parameter has to be specified. Returns nil if TaskGroup with this property doesn't exists.


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Optional named parameters

  • nID : integer - an ID of the group of tasks to look-up
  • name : string - a name of the group of tasks to look-up


getPoolerShutdownDelay() : integer
Returns Time delay for xxPooler applications to stay open, see setPoolerShutdownDelay


  • integer
isPoolerShowProgressFlag() : boolean
Returns TRUE if the xxPooler applications are opening a dialog window upon launch


  • boolean
prepareTaskArray() : luaTable
Returns array of tasks in this metabase. Returns objects of descendant classes (eg. TaskFT). An optional parameter could be specified to filter only tasks of a given type, see TaskSubType codes


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Optional named parameters

  • pDataTable : DataTable - database table the tasks should be based upon
  • nTaskSubTypeCode : integer - TaskSubType code to filter only tasks of a given type


  • luaTable
prepareTaskGroupArray() : luaTable
Returns array of TaskGroups in this metabase


  • luaTable
queryTaskGenerationStatusAll() : integer
Re-reads tasks states from metabase and returns number of tasks for which theirs state has changed from isTaskGenerationStatusInProcess to isTaskGenerationStatusFinished


  • integer - number of tasks with state change
Starts all tasks (with not isTaskGenerationStatusInProcess) in this metabase and waits till all of them have finished


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Optional named parameters

  • nTargetPlatform : integer - TargetPlatform code
  • bForceRunFinished : boolean - if true, forces all tasks to be run again even if they are already finished


  • integer - number of launched tasks
Starts all tasks (with not isTaskGenerationStatusInProcess) in this metabase in parallel threads and returns immediately


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Optional named parameters

  • nTargetPlatform : integer - TargetPlatform code
  • bForceRunFinished : boolean - if true, forces all tasks to be run again even if they are already finished


  • integer - number of launched tasks
setPoolerShowProgresFlag( boolean )
Sets TRUE if the xxPooler applications should open a dialog window with the task queue and the processing progress information


  • boolean
setPoolerShutdownDelay( integer )
Time delay for xxPooler applications to stay open, even if its task queue is empty. Prevents frequent closes of the application when another task will be probably inserted into queue in a short time.


  • integer - delay in seconds
Forces GridPooler to shutdown immediately if no task is processed
Forces all running xxPoolers to shutdown immediately if no task is processed
Forces ProcPooler to shutdown immediately if no task is processed
Forces SamePooler to shutdown immediately if no task is processed
Forces TaskPooler to shutdown immediately if no task is processed
Waits till all tasks with isTaskGenerationStatusInProcess have finished


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Optional named parameters

  • nSleepTime : integer - time (in milliseconds) between two checks for change in metabase