LISp-Miner Control Language Reference, version: 27.18.15 of 2 Mar 2022

Class DataColumn

Database table column meta-information
inherits from LMWrapName
namespace: lm.explore


No constructor available. Objects of this class could not be instantiated from Lua scripts.

Properties List

DataTable  the DataTable, database database table this column belongs to
Formula  An arithmetic formula to compute values for this column (based on syntax of the used DBMS)
ID  Unique identifier (primary key) of the object
Name  Unique name of this object. Cannot be empty.
Note  Text comment to this object (up to 255 characters)

Methods List

canDel () Returns true if the object could be deleted (is not used)
getAvg () Returns the average value in this column
getDataColumnSubTypeCode () Returns code of sub-type of this column, see DataColumnSubType codes
getDataColumnSubTypeKey () Returns unique string key of sub-type of this column
getDataColumnSubTypeName () Returns string representation of sub-type of this column
getDataTable () Returns the DataTable, table this column belongs to, the value of DataTable property
getDatePartSubTypeCode () Returns code of date-part sub-type of values in this column, see DatePartSubType codes
getDatePartSubTypeKey () Returns unique string key of date-part sub-type of values in this column
getDatePartSubTypeName () Returns string representation of date-part sub-type of values in this column
getDistinctValueCount () Returns number of distinct values (the NULL-value including) in the column
getFormula () Returns the value of Formula property
getID () Returns unique identifier (primary key) of the object
getMax () Returns the maximal value in this column
getMin () Returns the minimal value in this column
getName () Returns the value of Name property, name of this object
getNote () Returns the value of Note property
getStDev () Returns the standard deviation of values in this column
getValueSubTypeCode () Returns code of data-type of values in this column, see ValueSubType codes
getValueSubTypeKey () Returns unique string key of data-type of values in this column
getValueSubTypeName () Returns string representation of data-type of values in this column
isPrimaryKeyPart () Returns true, if this attribute is a part of the primary key
isReady () Returns true when the columns is present in the database
onAdd () Store the newly created object into metabase
onDel () Delete the object from metabase (fails if canDel returns false)
onUpdate () Save changes made to the object into metabase
prepareDataArray () array of all values in the column
prepareDistinctValueArray () array of distinct values (the NULL-value including) in the column and a same-length array of frequencies of distinct values
prepareHistogramArray () array of frequencies for numeric values of a given size
setFormula () Sets the value of Formula property
setName () Sets the value of Name property, name of this object (must be unique)
setNote () Sets the value of Note property


DataTable  (read-only) : DataTable
the DataTable, database database table this column belongs to
Formula : string
An arithmetic formula to compute values for this column (based on syntax of the used DBMS)
ID  (read-only) : integer
Unique identifier (primary key) of the object
Intherited from: LMWrap
Name : string
Unique name of this object. Cannot be empty.
Intherited from: LMWrapName
Note : string
Text comment to this object (up to 255 characters)
Intherited from: LMWrapName


canDel() : boolean
Returns true if the object could be deleted (is not used)
Intherited from: LMWrap


  • boolean
getAvg() : float
Returns the average value in this column


  • float
getDataColumnSubTypeCode() : integer
Returns code of sub-type of this column, see DataColumnSubType codes


  • integer
getDataColumnSubTypeKey() : string
Returns unique string key of sub-type of this column


  • string
getDataColumnSubTypeName() : string
Returns string representation of sub-type of this column


  • string
getDataTable() : DataTable
Returns the DataTable, table this column belongs to, the value of DataTable property


getDatePartSubTypeCode() : integer
Returns code of date-part sub-type of values in this column, see DatePartSubType codes


  • integer
getDatePartSubTypeKey() : string
Returns unique string key of date-part sub-type of values in this column


  • string
getDatePartSubTypeName() : string
Returns string representation of date-part sub-type of values in this column


  • string
getDistinctValueCount() : integer
Returns number of distinct values (the NULL-value including) in the column


  • integer
getFormula() : string
Returns the value of Formula property


  • string
getID() : integer
Returns unique identifier (primary key) of the object
Intherited from: LMWrap


  • integer
getMax() : float
Returns the maximal value in this column


  • float
getMin() : float
Returns the minimal value in this column


  • float
getName() : string
Returns the value of Name property, name of this object
Intherited from: LMWrapName


  • string
getNote() : string
Returns the value of Note property
Intherited from: LMWrapName


  • string
getStDev() : float
Returns the standard deviation of values in this column


  • float
getValueSubTypeCode() : integer
Returns code of data-type of values in this column, see ValueSubType codes


  • integer
getValueSubTypeKey() : string
Returns unique string key of data-type of values in this column


  • string
getValueSubTypeName() : string
Returns string representation of data-type of values in this column


  • string
isPrimaryKeyPart() : boolean
Returns true, if this attribute is a part of the primary key


  • boolean
isReady() : boolean
Returns true when the columns is present in the database


  • boolean
Store the newly created object into metabase
Intherited from: LMWrap
Delete the object from metabase (fails if canDel returns false)
Intherited from: LMWrap
Save changes made to the object into metabase
Intherited from: LMWrap
array of all values in the column


  • dataArray : array of values - list of all values in this column. Value type is the same as is data type of the database column
array of distinct values (the NULL-value including) in the column and a same-length array of frequencies of distinct values


  • distinctValueArray : array of values - list of all distinct values in this column. Value type is the same as is data type of the database column
  • frequenciesArray : array of numbers - frequency of the value in distinctValueArray with the same index
array of frequencies for numeric values of a given size


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Optional named parameters

  • nSize : integer - size of the histogram (number of frequencies in array)


  • frequenciesArray : array of numbers - frequency of the values in range defined by the index in histogram
setFormula( string )
Sets the value of Formula property


  • string
setName( string )
Sets the value of Name property, name of this object (must be unique)
Intherited from: LMWrapName


  • string - cannot be empty
setNote( string )
Sets the value of Note property
Intherited from: LMWrapName


  • string