LISp-Miner Control Language Reference, version: 27.18.15 of 2 Mar 2022

Class HypothesisMC

MC-pattern as a result of a MCluster-Miner data-mining task
inherits from Hypothesis
namespace: lm.tasks.results


No constructor available. Objects of this class could not be instantiated from Lua scripts.

Properties List

ClassMatchRatio  Class-match ratio of sum of frequencies of objects with the most frequent class in each cluster to number of all objects (available only it the class attribute is defined)
ExtraDistanceAvgWeighted  Weighted average inter-cluster distance
FrequencyClass  number of objects with the most frequent class in each cluster (available only it the class attribute is defined)
FrequencyTotal  Number of objects this hypothesis covers
ID  Unique identifier (primary key) of the object
Order  Order-index of this hypothesis
Task  the Task, this hypothesis belongs to
Text  Textual representation of this hypothesis
TextHTML  HTML representation of this hypothesis
Weight  Property used for storing eg. primary interest measure value for LM ReverseMiner

Methods List

createDerivedDataColumn () Creates a new derived DataColumn with values representing clusters indexes based on this hypothesis clustering results (i.e. the value for each row will be the zero-based index of the cluster this row was assigned into)
findMCCluster () Tries to look-up a MCCluster with a unique property given as parameter. Just one parameter has to be specified. Returns nil if MCCluster with this property doesn't exists.
getClassMatchRatio () Returns the value of ClassMatchRatio property
getExtraDistanceAvgWeighted () Returns the value of ExtraDistanceAvgWeighted property
getFrequencyClass () Returns the value of FrequencyClass property
getFrequencyTotal () Returns the value of FrequencyTotal property
getID () Returns unique identifier (primary key) of the object
getMCClusterAllCount () Returns number of all MCClusters in this hypothesis
getMCClusterFinalCount () Returns number of final MCClusters in this hypothesis
getMCClusterLeafCount () Returns number of leaf MCClusters in this hypothesis
getOrder () Returns the value of Order property
getTask () Returns the Task this hypothesis belongs to, the value of Task property
getWeight () Returns the value of Weight property
checkMutualInfluence () Returns a type of relationship between hypothesis and given mutual influence, see HypothesisMutualInfluenceRelationship codes
prepareFTPartialCedentArray () Returns array of FTPartialCedents, partial cedents of a given type in this hypothesis
prepareMCClusterAllArray () Returns array of MCClusters (all clusters in this hypothesis)
prepareMCClusterFinalArray () Returns array of MCClusters (final clusters in this hypothesis)
setOrder () Sets the value of Order property
setWeight () Sets the value of Weight property


ClassMatchRatio  (read-only) : float
Class-match ratio of sum of frequencies of objects with the most frequent class in each cluster to number of all objects (available only it the class attribute is defined)
ExtraDistanceAvgWeighted  (read-only) : float
Weighted average inter-cluster distance
FrequencyClass  (read-only) : float
number of objects with the most frequent class in each cluster (available only it the class attribute is defined)
FrequencyTotal  (read-only) : float
Number of objects this hypothesis covers
ID  (read-only) : integer
Unique identifier (primary key) of the object
Intherited from: LMWrap
Order : integer
Order-index of this hypothesis
Intherited from: Hypothesis
Task  (read-only) : Task
the Task, this hypothesis belongs to
Intherited from: Hypothesis
Text  (read-only) : string
Textual representation of this hypothesis
Intherited from: Hypothesis
TextHTML  (read-only) : string
HTML representation of this hypothesis
Intherited from: Hypothesis
Weight : float
Property used for storing eg. primary interest measure value for LM ReverseMiner
Intherited from: Hypothesis


Creates a new derived DataColumn with values representing clusters indexes based on this hypothesis clustering results (i.e. the value for each row will be the zero-based index of the cluster this row was assigned into)


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Optional named parameters

  • name : string - name of the newly created derived DataColumn
findMCCluster() : MCCluster
Tries to look-up a MCCluster with a unique property given as parameter. Just one parameter has to be specified. Returns nil if MCCluster with this property doesn't exists.


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Optional named parameters

  • nID : integer - an ID of the MCCluster to look-up


getClassMatchRatio() : float
Returns the value of ClassMatchRatio property


  • float
getExtraDistanceAvgWeighted() : float
Returns the value of ExtraDistanceAvgWeighted property


  • float
getFrequencyClass() : integer
Returns the value of FrequencyClass property


  • integer
getFrequencyTotal() : integer
Returns the value of FrequencyTotal property


  • integer
getID() : integer
Returns unique identifier (primary key) of the object
Intherited from: LMWrap


  • integer
getMCClusterAllCount() : integer
Returns number of all MCClusters in this hypothesis


  • integer
getMCClusterFinalCount() : integer
Returns number of final MCClusters in this hypothesis


  • integer
getMCClusterLeafCount() : integer
Returns number of leaf MCClusters in this hypothesis


  • integer
getOrder() : integer
Returns the value of Order property
Intherited from: Hypothesis


  • integer
getTask() : Task
Returns the Task this hypothesis belongs to, the value of Task property
Intherited from: Hypothesis


getWeight() : float
Returns the value of Weight property
Intherited from: Hypothesis


  • float
checkMutualInfluence() : integer
Returns a type of relationship between hypothesis and given mutual influence, see HypothesisMutualInfluenceRelationship codes
Intherited from: Hypothesis


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Obligatory named parameters

  • pMutualInfluence : MutualInfluence - the Mutual influence to which compare this hypothesis


prepareFTPartialCedentArray() : luaTable
Returns array of FTPartialCedents, partial cedents of a given type in this hypothesis
Intherited from: Hypothesis


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Obligatory named parameters

  • nCedentTypeCode : integer - CedentType code to identify the whole cedent partial cedent array to prepare
  • nActionStateCode : integer - ActionState code to differentiate between stable and variable parst of antecedent and succedent in Ac4ft-Miner tasks


  • luaTable
prepareMCClusterAllArray() : luaTable
Returns array of MCClusters (all clusters in this hypothesis)


  • luaTable
prepareMCClusterFinalArray() : luaTable
Returns array of MCClusters (final clusters in this hypothesis)


  • luaTable
setOrder( integer )
Sets the value of Order property
Intherited from: Hypothesis


  • integer
setWeight( float )
Sets the value of Weight property
Intherited from: Hypothesis


  • float