LISp-Miner Control Language Reference, version: 27.18.15 of 2 Mar 2022

Namespace lm.prepro

Data preprocessing related classes and functions

Classes List

Attribute  LISp-Miner data-mining Attribute of an unspecified type
AttributeGroup  Group of categorized attributes
Category  Attribute category (enumeration of values or discretized interval)
CategoryEnumeration  Attribute category defined by enumeration of values
CategoryInterval  Attribute category defined by interval of values
Interval  Interval definition for category of type interval

Properties List

No preperties defined.

Functions List

findAttribute () Tries to look-up a Attribute with a unique property given as parameter. Just one parameter has to be specified. Returns nil if Attribute with this property doesn't exists.
findAttributeGroup () Tries to look-up a AttributeGroup with a unique property given as parameter. Just one parameter has to be specified. Returns nil if AttributeGroup with this property doesn't exists.
getRootAttributeGroup () Returns the one and only root AttributeGroup in this metabase
prepareAttributeArray () Returns array of Attributes in this metabase
prepareAttributeGroupArray () Returns array of AttributeGroups in this metabase



findAttribute() : Attribute
Tries to look-up a Attribute with a unique property given as parameter. Just one parameter has to be specified. Returns nil if Attribute with this property doesn't exists.


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Optional named parameters

  • nID : integer - an ID of the attribute to look-up
  • pDataTable : DataTable - database table with column the attribute should be based upon. Should be specified if there are two or more database tables
  • name : string - a name of the attribute to look-up


findAttributeGroup() : AttributeGroup
Tries to look-up a AttributeGroup with a unique property given as parameter. Just one parameter has to be specified. Returns nil if AttributeGroup with this property doesn't exists.


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Optional named parameters

  • nID : integer - an ID of the group of attributes to look-up
  • name : string - a name of the group of attributes to look-up


getRootAttributeGroup() : AttributeGroup
Returns the one and only root AttributeGroup in this metabase


prepareAttributeArray() : luaTable
Returns array of Attributes in this metabase


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Optional named parameters

  • pDataTable : DataTable - database table with columns the attributes should be based upon
  • pDataColumn : DataColumn - database table column the attributes should be based upon


  • luaTable
prepareAttributeGroupArray() : luaTable
Returns array of AttributeGroups in this metabase


  • luaTable