LISp-Miner Control Language Reference, version: 27.18.15 of 2 Mar 2022

Namespace lm.tasks.results

An abstract namespace for task results classes

Classes List

FTLiteral  Basic boolean attribute, combination of an multi-categorial attribute and one or more of its categories in coefficient
FTPartialCedent  One partial cedent (derived boolean attribute), one or more FT-literals combined through logical operators.
Hypothesis  A found pattern of an unspecified type
HypothesisAF  Ac4ft-association rule as a result of a SD4ft-Miner data-mining task
HypothesisCF  CF-pattern as a result of a CF-Miner data-mining task
HypothesisDF  SD4ft-association rule as a result of a SD4ft-Miner data-mining task
HypothesisET  Decision/exploration tree as a result of a ETree-Miner data-mining task
HypothesisFT  4ft-association rule as a result of a 4ft-Miner data-mining task
HypothesisGroup  A group of hypotheses
HypothesisKL  KL-pattern as a result of a KL-Miner data-mining task
HypothesisMC  MC-pattern as a result of a MCluster-Miner data-mining task
MCCluster  One found cluster as a result of MCluster-Miner data-mining task

Properties List

No preperties defined.

Functions List

prepareHypothesisArray () Returns array of Hypothesis in a given HypothesisGroup



prepareHypothesisArray() : luaTable
Returns array of Hypothesis in a given HypothesisGroup


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Obligatory named parameters

  • hypothesisGroupName : string - a name of the group of hypotheses, to which hypotheses in this array should belong to


  • luaTable