LISp-Miner Control Language Reference, version: 27.18.15 of 2 Mar 2022

Namespace lm.tasks.settings

An abstract namespace for task settings classes

Classes List

AFQuantifierSetting  Set of parameters describing one Ac4ft-quantifier, a criterion on interest measure comparing it to a threshold value
CFAttributeSetting  Set of parameters for a CF-attribute.
CFPartialGroupSetting  Set of parameters describing partial group of possible CF-attributes.
CFQuantifierSetting  Set of parameters describing one CF-quantifier, a criterion on interest measure comparing it to a threshold value
DFQuantifierSetting  Set of parameters describing one SD4ft-quantifier, a criterion on interest measure comparing it to a threshold value
ETAttributeSetting  Set of parameters for a ET-attribute.
ETPartialGroupSetting  Set of parameters describing partial group of possible ET-attributes.
FTLiteralSetting  Set of parameters describing all possible FT literals (basic boolean attributes) that should be generated and veryfied in the analyzed data
FTPartialCedentSetting  Set of parameters describing all possible FT-partial cedents (derived boolean attributes) that should be generated and veryfied in the analyzed data. Each FT-partial cedent consists of one or more FT-literals combined through logical operators.
FTQuantifierSetting  Set of parameters describing one FT-quantifier, a criterion on interest measure comparing it to a threshold value
FTWholeCedentSetting  Set of parameters describing all possible FT cedents (derived boolean attributes) that should be generated and veryfied in the analyzed data. Each FT-cedent consists of conjunctions of FT-partial cedents.
KLAttributeSetting  Set of parameters for a KL-attribute.
KLPartialGroupSetting  Set of parameters describing partial group of possible KL-attributes.
KLQuantifierSetting  Set of parameters describing one KL-quantifier, a criterion on interest measure comparing it to a threshold value
MCAttributeSetting  Set of parameters for a MC-attribute.
MCPartialGroupSetting  Set of parameters describing partial group of possible MC-attributes.

Properties List

No preperties defined.

Functions List

No functions/methods defined.

