LISp-Miner Control Language Reference, version: 27.18.15 of 2 Mar 2022

Class FTPartialCedent

One partial cedent (derived boolean attribute), one or more FT-literals combined through logical operators.
inherits from LMWrap
namespace: lm.tasks.results


No constructor available. Objects of this class could not be instantiated from Lua scripts.

Properties List

ID  Unique identifier (primary key) of the object
Text  Textual representation of this partial cedent

Methods List

findFTLiteral () Tries to look-up a FTLiteral with a unique property given as parameter. Just one parameter has to be specified. Returns nil if FTLiteral with this property doesn't exists.
getActionStateTypeCode () Returns code of type of action state for Ac4ft-Miner, see ActionStateType codes
getActionStateTypeKey () Returns unique string key of type of action state for Ac4ft-Miner
getActionStateTypeName () Returns string representation of type of action state for Ac4ft-Miner
getBoolOpTypeCode () Returns code of type of logical operators among literals in this cedent, see BoolOpType codes
getBoolOpTypeKey () Returns unique string key of type of logical operators among literals in this cedent
getBoolOpTypeName () Returns string representation of type of logical operators among literals in this cedent
getCedentTypeCode () Returns code of type of cedent, see CedentType codes
getCedentTypeKey () Returns unique string key of type of cedent
getCedentTypeName () Returns string representation of type of cedent
getFTLiteralCount () Returns number of literal in this partial cedent
getFTPartialCedentSetting () Returns the FTPartialCedentSetting this partial cedent was generated based upon
getHypothesis () Returns the Hypothesis this partial cedent belongs to
getID () Returns unique identifier (primary key) of the object
getTask () Returns the Task this partial cedent belongs to
prepareFTLiteralArray () Returns array of FTLiterals (partial cedents in this cedent)


ID  (read-only) : integer
Unique identifier (primary key) of the object
Intherited from: LMWrap
Text  (read-only) : string
Textual representation of this partial cedent


findFTLiteral() : FTLiteral
Tries to look-up a FTLiteral with a unique property given as parameter. Just one parameter has to be specified. Returns nil if FTLiteral with this property doesn't exists.


  • luaTable - to store named parameters

Optional named parameters

  • nID : integer - an ID of the FTLiteral to look-up
  • pAttribute : Attribute - the literal should be based on (return the first literal matching the condition)


getActionStateTypeCode() : integer
Returns code of type of action state for Ac4ft-Miner, see ActionStateType codes


  • integer
getActionStateTypeKey() : string
Returns unique string key of type of action state for Ac4ft-Miner


  • string
getActionStateTypeName() : string
Returns string representation of type of action state for Ac4ft-Miner


  • string
getBoolOpTypeCode() : integer
Returns code of type of logical operators among literals in this cedent, see BoolOpType codes


  • integer
getBoolOpTypeKey() : string
Returns unique string key of type of logical operators among literals in this cedent


  • string
getBoolOpTypeName() : string
Returns string representation of type of logical operators among literals in this cedent


  • string
getCedentTypeCode() : integer
Returns code of type of cedent, see CedentType codes


  • integer
getCedentTypeKey() : string
Returns unique string key of type of cedent


  • string
getCedentTypeName() : string
Returns string representation of type of cedent


  • string
getFTLiteralCount() : integer
Returns number of literal in this partial cedent


  • integer
getFTPartialCedentSetting() : FTPartialCedentSetting
Returns the FTPartialCedentSetting this partial cedent was generated based upon


getHypothesis() : Hypothesis
Returns the Hypothesis this partial cedent belongs to


getID() : integer
Returns unique identifier (primary key) of the object
Intherited from: LMWrap


  • integer
getTask() : Task
Returns the Task this partial cedent belongs to


prepareFTLiteralArray() : luaTable
Returns array of FTLiterals (partial cedents in this cedent)


  • luaTable