Demonstration – STULONG


Biochemical examination

Attributes relating to the biochemical examination are lucidly given in the Table 1. Details about individual attributes are given in further tables.

Table 1 – Attributes relating to the biochemical examination
Identifier – column in the data matrix EntryMeaning
CHLSTcholesterol in mg%
TRIGLtriglycerides in mg%
Table 2: Attribute CHLST – cholesterol
Attribute CHLST – cholesterol
Number of different values224
Minimal values112 mg%
Maximal values530 mg%
Average values234.68 mg%
Number of patients with not stated values15

Diagrams: Histogram – length of intervals: 10, 20, 50, 100.

Table 3: Attribute TRIGL – triglycerides
Attribute TRIGL – triglycerides
Number of different values306
Minimal values28 mmg
Maximal values1 197
Average values170.19 mmg
Number of patients with not stated values288

Diagrams: Histogram – length of intervals: 50, 100, 200.

Table 4: Frequency of the attribute MOC values
MOCNumber of patients
1normal1 351
2sugar positive31
3albumen positive17
4not stated18

Diagrams: bar, pie.

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