◤Demonstration – STULONG◢
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Identification data relate to a patient and to a studied group of patients, see the Table 1.
Identifier – a column in the data matrix Entry | Meaning |
ICO | Identification number of a patient |
KONSKUP | studied group of patients |
The attribute KONSKUP represents allocation of patients into groups, see the Table 2.
KONSKUP – allocation of patients into the groups | Number of patients | |
Code | Meaning | |
1 | NG – normal group | 236 |
2 | NSG – normal studied group | 40 |
3 | RGI – risk group intervened | 427 |
4 | RGC – risk group control | 432 |
5 | PG – pathological group | 114 |
6 | NA – not allocated | 168 |
Allocation of men for further follow-up has been carried out according to the presence or absence of RF (risc factors), according to the overall health condition and according to the finding on the ECG curve. These criteria divided men into 3 groups marked by the letters NG (normal), RG (risk), PG (pathological). The group of NSG men, who have been studied equally as men from the risk group, has been separated from the normal group.
There is a detailed methodology description on the official Project Stulong website.
NG (normal) = a group of men without presence of RF (Risk Factors), without any apparent cardiovascular disease, without another serious disease that would not allow their at least ten years lasting following and without any pathological finding on the ECG curve.
NSG (normal studied) = a part of men from NG who have been studied at least once a year like men from the risk group. Intervention has been initiated like with men of the risk group if an affectable RF has been confirmed (hyperlipemia, arterial hypertension).
RG (risk) = a group of men with at least one RF (Risk Factor) (positive family anamnesis, smoking, TH, hypercholesterolemia, obesity), without any manifestation of a cardiovascular disease, without another serious disease that would not allow their at least ten years lasting following and without any pathological finding on the ECG curve.
PG (pathological) = a group of men with manifestation of a cardiovascular disease or with another serious disease that would not allow their at least ten years lasting following (e.g. malignant disease, advanced hepatic or renal failure, serious neural or psychological disorder that would prevent from a long-lasting patient's cooperation with our workplace).
Risk group – RG – have been divided into two subgroups marked as RGI (risk group intervened) and RGC (risk group control). Division has been carried out according to the number of health district in which a man lived: men from the health districts with an even number have been allocated into RGI and men from the health districts with an odd number have been allocated into RGC. During the entry examination there has not been a significant difference between RGI and RGC concerning age, socio-economical indicators, not even in occurrence of RF.
There are also some men not allocated in any group.
Further details about the groups are available on the Project Stulong website
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